Trail Talk – 9/7/21
- Starting tonight please wear your Class A shirts to the meeting.
- Merit badge sessions start tonight and rank advancement for the T21 continue. If you have not signed up for a merit badge please do so tonight..
- There will be a Patrol leader election for all the patrols: Patrol Leader, Asst. Patrol Leader, scribe and quartermaster
- September 17-19 , 2021 we will be camping at Yankee Springs campgrounds.
- We will be joined with Troop 287 for a fun-filled weekend. Cost is $35 per person.
- Permission slip attached.
I have been in contact with Seabase for a reservation in 2022, unfortunately there are no open dates for June or July. Since we were not sure of who was going it was difficult to get a slot. We will make a reservation for 2023. However I will be working on a high adventure for 2022 and let everyone know.
I have been told we are allowed to start selling popcorn. Help out your account and sell. Whatever amount you sell you can receive 37% back in profits for your account. Sales ends October19, 2021
There is an opportunity to help out the troop with a fundraiser. This message is from Bill Louthan. Here is a chance to make some money for the troop working the gate at the Hot Rod Nationals being held at the Kalamazoo County Fair grounds friday through Sunday. They need 2 more people on Saturday September 11 from 12pm to 5pm 2 people on Sunday from 7:30am until 11am. We will be taking tickets as well as stamping hands. There is free parking and we also can walk around the cars before or after our shifts for free. I did this 2 years ago and had a blast. They would prefer adults but we could have older youth help as well. The proceeds from this will go to the troop. Please get a hold of Bill Louthan at 269.377.8014 or email at as soon as possible.
We encourage each one of you to bring a friend or relative to our Open House on Tuesday Sept. 14 from 6-8pm. There will be hot dogs and chips served. I will be handing out a flyer which you can pass out to your friends and relatives.
SEPTEMBER 28, Court of Honor
Tuesday Sept 28 there will be a Court of Honor to recognize all the scouts for their achievements over the summer. The court will start at 7pm. Please all parents and scouts are asked to attend this important event.
Adopt-A-Highway October 2, 2021
Our last pickup date for 2021. all scouts 12 and older are asked to help clean up a designated section in Schoolcraft. Please meet at the car wash in Schoolcraft next to Speedway gas station. starts at 9am until noon. Jim Gluys is the leader in charge. We will need adults to help with supervision and safety.
Tonight there are pop cans and bottles that need to be deposited. Please pick up a bag or two. Also 2 weeks ago many of you returned cans and bottles to the store, please bring any money and give it to Sherry for proper reporting.