Trail Talk – 9/14/20

BIG day on Tuesday Sept. 15. It’s our Troop’s OPEN HOUSE. Last week we handed out to all the scouts flyers to hand out in their neighborhoods. Hopefully everyone did this. We are asking that every scout bring a friend or more to our Open House tomorrow Sept. 15, 2020 from 6pm to 8pm. Besides information that will be handed out the PLC have come up with interactive games. Also there will be hot dogs, chips and popcorn.
BRING A FRIEND. Also we will need some extra scouts to help with the setup and takedown. if you can help be at the church about 4:30pm. Your help will be needed to have a successful recruitment. Also the age is just not Boy scout age but Cub scouts also.


This weekend is our campout at camp Pioneer. We leave Friday at 5:30 be at the church by 5pm. Will return Sunday at noon.
Cost is $35 per person. We will be doing some camp cleanup and skill sessions.
Unless your tent partner is related to you everyone must sleep in their own tent.
Please follow the following guidelines:
Masks, separation, and air flow during transportation.
Masks in camp at all times.
6 feet social distancing.
Hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks, for cooks and cleanup crew.  Cooks serve the food.
Pots, pans, and utensils sterilized in hot water before preparing the meals.
After the meal, all the group and personal gear is washed in hot soapy water and sterilized in chemically treated hot and set out to dry by the cleanup crew.
Every scout must sleep in their own tent.  Only family members may share a tent.
This process seems to have worked well at summer camp.

ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY DATE CHANGE. The date for the highway cleanup will be Oct.3 not Sept. 25. please meet at the car wash next to the speedway in Schoolcraft at 9am. should take about 3 hours. Please wear long pants, gloves and a hat.. Be prepared for weather conditions.

In past years we have collected $145 per Scout and $50 per adult fee to be a member of the BSA. The fees for National were $60 last year and Michigan crossroads was $12, the remainder of the fee went to the Troop 244 General fund. Things have changed. National fee is $66 per scout $36 Adults. Michigan crossroads council started a membership fee of $60 per scout and $12 per adult.
That brings the total fee up to $126 for National and Michigan fees. We Have decided not to increase our troop fees and keep them at $145 per scout and Adults $50. This will leave $19 for the troop general fund. we will be addressing adding to the general fund by fundraising, etc.
If for any reason a scout family has concerns with paying this amount. Please talk to Hank. At NO time should a scout family quit the program because of money issues.

October 1, 2020 is the 3rd scheduled payments for Philmont 2021. The amount due at that time is $300 per person.
If you have paid up to date you should have paid $700 so far. Please pay as the Philmont registration fee is due.
Philmont meeting October 4 at the church in the pavilion from 1pm to 4pm.

September Court of Honor is on the 29. this will be outdoors, hopefully the weather will cooperate. The time is 6:30pm to 8pm.  It is kinda dark after 8pm.
We will recognize all scouts who have earned a merit badge and rank advancement. also some special awards. We ask that all scouts and their parents attend.


Beef Jerky sales . Please sell the remainder of the jerky and turn in your money by October 1, 2020

Sell Popcorn and add money to your acct. 37% of your sales goes back to your acct.. SELL SELL SELL

Pop cans and bottles are always being accepted, there is a bin behind the red trailer underneath the white canopy. please put them in the bin.
we do need some volunteers to deposit these cans and bottles, just ask Sherry Or Hank to get you a bag.
all profits from this goes to the merit badge and troop general fund.