Trail Talk – 6/11/18
A lot of stuff here, Please read everything. thanks
Summer camp is June 24-30.
If you are interested in attending the Wednesday night parent night at summer camp. Please pay at the troop meetings over the next 2 Tuesdays. cost is $6 for adults and siblings at $4. This cost does not include you son at camp.
If possible I will need to know if your son has a tent partner in mind. if so please let me know asap. If not I will select tent partners.
At camp we designate t-shirt days at camp if you have them
Monday Red troop t-shirt
Tuesday 2018 summer camp t-shirt- which I have and will hand out on Monday at camp.
Wednesday previous summer camp t-shirts
Thursday previous summer camp t-shirts
Friday previous camp shirts
YOU WILL NEED TO WEAR YOUR CLASS A UNIFORM SHIRT ON SUNDAY and during the week for flags . Friday night camp fire and Saturday departure.
We are leaving for camp on Sunday June 24. Please meet at the Portage Central Middle school at 10:15am, and we depart at 11am sharp. When we return will will be back about 11:30am at the Pathfinder church on Saturday June 30.
All participants going to Isle Royale Please attend the Tuesday meeting June 19 at 6pm to go over your gear and receive gear for the trip. Please bring you backpack with the gear you are taking to the island. thanks
Because of the Cancelation of Philmont this year we have made arrangements to have our crews go to Isle royale on July 8-14,2018
cost is $300. if anyone else is interested please sign up on the waiting list at the church. (please see Amy at the table)
A deposit of $25 is due for the Gettysburg trip August 2-5. total due is $125 per person.
The Labor day weekend this year we are camping at the St. Ingace state park on Friday August 31 to Monday Sept 2. we will participant in the Bridge walk. Cost is $60 per person. we also we go to Mackinaw Island, maybe the mystery spot and other sighseeing venues. Please register asap as we only have 36 spots available.
In the troop meetings each Patrol( except the Squirrel patrols) have been told to select a non-required merit badge to work on as a Patrol, if your Patrol has not selected one yet Please do so and have it approved by Hank.
Pathfinder church is starting constuction on the remodel of the building. How will this effect our program?
1. Our scout room will be moving down the hall in the former youth room. Our current room is going to be upgraded with more fire protection stuff. This will take about 6 months. Once this is completed we will have a new Scout room in the main hallway.
I will need to have some people help me pack up the current scout room and move to the other room. I will let you know when that is happening.
2. There will be a time that the Gym will not be available for our use as they are putting in a new fire sprinkle system, we will be going outside to play our games.
3. Some of the rooms we use for our merit badge classes will be remodeled so we will find other rooms to use in the meantime.
Amy will be at the desk during the troop meeting starting at 6:30pm to collect any fees on Tuesday June 12
Like I said a lot of stuff here if you have questions please ask.