Trail Talk – 3/16/21
Tonight we have a special presentation for 2 of our scouts. This will take place at 7pm in the church sanctuary . Please all scouts must wear their Class A shirt with the troop neckerchief . This Presentation will last about 10 minutes. Afterwards the patrols should meet and select new patrol leaders for their patrols. following this each scout should proceed to their sessions.
We have a new fundraiser for all scouts. profits from this will go directly into your acct. This is a contactless sale of coffee products. The following links will give you more details and a signup for the fundraiser. Here is a link to a document I created with details about the fundraiser.
To sign up Please go to this link:
This is a great way to add money to your acct.. Sale starts April 5 ends May 4, Pickup and deliver May 18.
Meeting March 16
Meeting March 23
No Meeting March 30 Spring Break
Meeting April 6
Meeting April 13 Summer camp meeting for parents and participants. final payment due
Campout at Yankee Springs April 16-18
Meeting April 20
Adopt-a-Highway April 24
Philmont meeting April 25 at 1pm to 5pm at the church
Meeting April 27
Summer camp June 20-26 Cost is $360 per youth and $150 per adult.
Physicals need to be turned in by June 1,2021
Adults will need to fill a Michigan registry form, attached, turn this in if you are going to summer camp, please do so asap as it will take 3-4 weeks to go thru the process. No registry means you will not be allowed to camp. THIS IS NEW TO CAMP PIONEER BUT NOT MICHIGAN CAMPS.