Trail Talk – 2/8/21

It was great to see you at our troop meeting last week. We will again meet in person this week. Please arrive about 6:50pm to do temp checks and ask a few covid questions.
Some of you tried to join us virtually last week and it didn’t work. Sorry. Hopefully it will this week. All adult leaders teaching a class please bring your laptop to the church and set up for virtually use.

The meeting will start at 7pm and at 7:10 break up to groups, please use the same rooms as last week. The meetings should last until 8PM.

Sherry will be there to collect fees for : This weekend campout, Philmont and summer camp.

This weekend campout is at camp Pioneer, We have three cabins available for social distancing. We will have a competition Saturday as the troop runs its Klondike derby, which will teach some basic skills and we will have a sled race in the afternoon, Plus our annual thanksgiving feast; Turkey, and all the fixings.  Come join the fun. Cost is $35 per person. permission slip attached.

Philmont February payment due. All Philmont participants should have paid $1300 by Feb. 1, if you have not please do so.  The final payment of $300 is due March 1st.
There will be a Philmont meeting February 21 at the church starting at 1pm ending at 4pm. Everyone should be in attendance. If not Please let me know. thanks.

Summer camp 2021.  Summer camp is at Camp Pioneer June 20 to 26, 2021.Cost is $360 per youth and $150 adults. Youth participants can make three payments of $120 per month (February, March and April).

Pop can and bottle return fundraiser. What originally was to raise funds for our merit badge library ( which it has) the troop is raising funds for the general fund. This fund pays for cabin rentals, office stuff, replacement of equipment and scoutership funds. The fundraiser has been very successful but we are still in need of funds. If you know of anyone that can donate their pop cans or bottles, please have them drop them off at the church in the bin behind the red trailer. ( we can arrange pickups, let me know.)  Since this is a troop activity we ask that scouts and families participate and help with returning these cans and bottles to the store. Each scout that brings a bag back to the store for return will receive 30% of the deposit to their acct.  We need everyone to support this program so we can keep our annual membership fees where they are. This fundraiser is doing that. Please help.

Troop Survey: need a response. 2022 High adventure??? Please tell me which one you will select and join. Please let me know by Feb. 16, 2021.
Seabase Cost $1500 July 2022
Alaska July 2022,  Cost $2200.