Trail Talk – 12/12/24
Hey Troop 244!! Good evening! Happy Friday Eve! That is what my students and I call Thursday. Thursday is just so boring! It is more fun to call it Friday Eve because that means it is almost the weekend! I am jealous of all of you who got a Snow Day today! We don’t get snow days in the virtual teaching world. I miss those days! I hope that you used your days well!
I am going to be sending out communication over the next several days to remind everyone of two important things for next week’s Troop meeting on Tuesday! These include the Holiday Food Drive and the Troop Holiday Party!
HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE – EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!! Take a moment and think about what you will be doing over the holidays. Will you be traveling, spending time with family and friends, opening up presents, taking opportunities to rest? I am willing to bet in all of that, food will be involved in some way, shape or form! Well, there are a lot of families in our area who don’t have access to food, period. Twelve Baskets is an organization that helps feed those families in need. Think about how you could really brighten someone’s holiday by helping to provide them with a meal this season! Please plan to bring in your food donations next Tuesday at the troop meeting. This will be your last chance to participate in our holiday food drive! I will be going shopping this weekend to get my donation! We will donate all of this food to Twelve Baskets and they will in turn help to feed over 500 families this holiday season. Wouldn’t it be great if you could be a part of that?!! See the flyer below for the needs that Twelve Baskets is asking for! Bring in your donations on Tuesday night next week. Let’s show them “WHAT TROOP DOES MORE?!”
TROOP HOLIDAY PARTY – Next Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m. Until 8:30 p.m. I firmly believe that as a troop we are family. You will probably get together with family over the holidays to have a Christmas party or New Year’s party. I think it is only right that we have a holiday party with our troop family! We have been doing this since before I was a member of Troop 244! No, that was not when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth! Let’s continue this tradition. Our Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), made up of our senior youth leaders have devised a plan for the Holiday Party! They have some games they will setup in the gym, they are asking YOU to bring your favorite board game so that you can play with your fellow scouts, there will be crafts that can be done and we will enjoy some fellowship together. NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED! YOU DO NOT WANT ME TO SEE YOU WITH A CELL PHONE OUT! ASK MY PHILMONT CREW ABOUT THAT! Let’s spend time with each other and not with our screens! At about 7:45 p.m. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for some food and fellowship. The troop is buying the pizza! We need you, scouts, to bring everything else! Please see the list below for which patrol should bring what item to the holiday party:
- Desserts: Mockingjays, Flying Fish and Squirrels Patrols
- Salty Snacks: Wolves and Panther 2 Patrols
- Fruits and Veggies: Hatching Dragons and Panther Patrols
- Drinks: Dolphins and Platypus Patrols (just saying, you will make your Scoutmaster really happy if there is Mountain Dew present!)
If you are not sure which patrol, you are in, shoot me a quick email. I will look it up and get back to you!
Girl Troop – We started a tradition a few years ago of doing a White Elephant Gift Exchange. Make sure you grab a “gift” that doesn’t have to be more than $10, wrap it up and bring it to the meeting. After opening, we will split off into a room and the girl troop will do their gift exchange. Your gift does not have to be a serious one! In fact, it is more enjoyable if it is somewhat funny or silly!
This has been a hard year for us as a troop! Let’s finish this year with joy!
“What Troop Does More!!” – 244