Trail Talk – 11/9/20

We will be meeting outside Tuesday night, there is a possibility of rain. temp will be in the 60’s.Meeting start at 6:30pm

We had a great time this past weekend at the Anthony Wayne campout. The weather was perfect. The scouts worked on Orienteering Skills, they also made their own orienteering course. and took an afternoon hike. Food was fantastic, We had ribs cooked in Dutch ovens and for Saturday night cracker barrel we made donuts in Dutch ovens, they were perfect.

In Preparations for the January Campout  we will be camping at Camp Tamaracks, we have 2 cabins available. During the day if the weather permits those of you who would like to ski or snowboard at Swiss Valley ski complex near Jones Michigan, PLEASE LET ME KNOW BY EMAIL IF YOU ARE INTERESTED SO THAT I CAN MAKE THE NECESSARY RESERVATIONS. Cost for the campout is $35 per person, the skiing cost is separate, there will be ski lift and rental cost, plus food at the lodge. I estimate an additional cost of $50 to $60 per person.

Please let me know or sign up on the activity board at the meetings.


November payment of $300 is due. you should have paid up to $1000 at this point. Thanks


Pickup your popcorn orders on November 17 and deliver the popcorn and return the money on November 24,


The merit classes in session right now will end on November 24, Most of you have to do some work at home, Please complete your merit badge and don’t make it partial.  It is the responsibility of each scout to turn in the blue cards when completing the merit badge, not the counselor.


Now that we got a good handle on our pop can and bottle return we are accepting more cans and bottles, check with your neighbors, friends and relatives.

This has been a very successful fundraiser that will help out the Merit Badge library and help defray some of the cost toward campouts and other expenses, such as awards, office stuff and equipment updates.  Your contribution will keep our Troop healthy and strong. The bin is located behind the red trailer by the troop shed, drop off your collection and we will take care of it. As an extra incentive scouts who turn in bags of cans and bottles will receive 30% of the total of the bag contents, just bring in the money and the receipt to Sherry.


HELP, WE STILL HAVE A AMPLE SUPPLY OF STICKS TO SELL, please see us about getting the sticks to you. You can make 42 cents on 1 stick you sell for $1


We have all sizes available in our troop red t-shirts and Tec shirts, see us on Tuesday if you need one, Also we have the Troop Hoodies also, they are nice and warm, especially on campouts.  Check out our Troop trading post in the scout room, just ask to go in the church with a mask on and we will go with you. thanks